My Most Meaningful Articles


I’ve written well over 200 blog posts covering a lot of different topics related to sex and relationships. I’ve also kept tabs on my analytics and I’ve seen a noticeable trend.

Most of my pieces are at least somewhat personal and confessional. But there are a few that stand out to me. They’re the ones I really poured my heart into. They’re the ones that I spent weeks or months planning out in my mind because I really wanted to do justice to them.

They’re my most meaningful pieces, but they rarely perform well. They seem to resonate with the people who do read them, but they just don’t get as many clicks or views as my other stuff.

And I totally get it. It’s a lot easier to click on titles like How to Give a Blowjob He’ll Never Forget or The 5 Best Sex Positions for Deeper Penetratio. I’m proud of those articles, too, and I’m glad they still do very well.

But I wanted to give my most personally meaningful posts another chance to find an audience and get read. So, I’m putting them here.

I’m happy to be the girl who helps people have better anal sex or inspires them to keep their marriages hot and sizzling. But if someone asked me to read my favorite pieces, these would probably be the ones I’d point them to.

So, here they are. My most meaningful posts, in no particular order.